In fulfillment with the duty of information had in the Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and the E-commerce (LSSI-CE) of 11 July, facilitate to continuation the following data of general information of this website:.
The titularity of this website, (from now on, Website) has it: VIDA MEVA, S.C.P, with NIF: J56933898, and whose data of contact are:
Direction: Major, 7, 25595 Tirvia
Telephone of contact: +34 607 440 460 Email of contact: Email: Lacomella@lacomelladetirvia.eu

The object of the conditions: The Website

The object of the present General Conditions of Use (from now on, Conditions) is to regulate the access and the utilisation of the Website. To the effects ofl present ace Conditions will understand like Website: the external appearance of the interfaces of screen, so much of static form as of dynamic form, that is to say, the tree of navigation; and all the elements integrated so much in the interfaces of pantallto as in the tree of navigation (from now on, Contents) and all those services or resources on line that in his case offer to the Users (from now on, Services).
The rural house of Tirvia reserves the faculty to modify, anytime, ands in previous warning, the presentation and configuration of the Website and of the Contents and Services that in him could be incorporated.
The User recognises and accepts that anytime The rural house of Tirvia can interrupt, desactivar and/or cancel cualquiera of these elements that integrate in the Website or the access to the same.
The access to the Website by the User has free character and, by general rule, is free without that the User have to provide a contraprestación to be able to gavesfrutar of this, save regarding the cost of connection through the network of telecommunications supplied by the provider of access that had hired the User.
The utilisation of any of the Contents or Services of the Website will be able to hacersand by means of the subscription or previous register of the User.

The User
L'accés, la navegació i ús del Lloc web, així com pels espais habilitats per interactuar entre els Usuaris, i l'Usuari i La casa rural de Tirvia, com els comentaris i/o éspacios de blogging, confereix la condició d'Usuari, per la qual cosa s'accepten, des que s'inicia la navegació pel Lloc web, totes les Condicions aquí establertes, així com les seves ulteriors modificacions, sense perjudici de l'aplicació de la correspondent normativa legal d'obligat compliment segons el cas. Donada la rellevància de l'anterior, es recomana a l'Usuari llegir-les cada vegada que visiti el Lloc web. El Lloc web de la casa rural de Tirvia proporciona gran diversitat d'informació, servicius i dades. L'Usuari assumeix la seva responsabilitat per realitzar un ús correcte del Lloc web. Aquesta responsabilitat s'estendrà a:
Un ús de la informació, Continguts i/o Serveis i dades ofertes per la casa rural de Tirvia sense que sigui contrari al que es disposa per les presents Condicions, la Llei, la moral o l'ordre públic, o que de qualsevol altra manera puguin suposar lesió dels drets de tercers o del mateix funcionament del Lloc web.
La veracitat i licitud de les informacions aportades per l'Usuari en els formularis estesos per la casa rural de Tirvia per a l'accés a certs Continguts o Serveis oferts por el Lloc web. En tot cas, l'Usuari notificarà de forma immediata a la casa rural de Tirvia sobre qualsevol fet que permeti l'ús indegut de la informació registrada en aquests formularis, tals com, però no solament, el robatori, extraviament, o l'accaixò no autoritzat a identificadors i/o contrasenyes, amb la finalitat de procedir a la seva immediata cancel·lació.
En qualsevol cas, La casa rural de Tirvia no serà responsable de les opinions abocades pels Usuaris a través de comentaris o altres eines di blogging o de participació que pugui haver-hi.
El mer accés a aquest Lloc web no suposa entaular cap tipus de relació de caràcter comercial entre La casa rural de Tirvia i l'Usuari.
L'Usuari declara ser major d'edat i disposar de la capacitat jurídica suficient per vincular-se per les presents Condicions. Per tant, aquest Lloc web de la casa rural de Tirvia no es dirigeix a menors d'edat. La casa rural de Tirvia declina qualsevol responsabilitat per l'incompliment d'aquest requisit. El Sitio Web està dirigit principalment a Usuaris residents en españa. La casa rural de Tirvia no assegura que el Lloc web compleixi amb legislacions d'altres països, ja sigui total o parcialment. Si l'Usuari resideix o té el seu domiciliat en un altre lloc i decid'accedir i/o navegar en el Lloc web ho farà sota la seva pròpia responsabilitat, haurà d'assegurar-se que tal accés i navegació compleix amb la legislació local que li és aplicable, no assumint La casa rural de Tirvia responsabilitat alguna que es pugui derivar d'aquest accés.


The rural house of Tirvia does not guarantee the continuity, availability and utility of the Website, neither of the Contents or Services. The rural house of Tirvia hará all the possible by the good operation of the Website, however, does not hold responsible neither guarantees that the access to this Website do not go to be uninterruptible or that was free of error.
Neither it holds responsible or it guarantees that the content or softwplough to the that can access through this Website, was free of error or cause a damage to the computer system (software and hardware) of the User. In no case The rural house of Tirvia will be responsible by the losses, damages or damages of any tipo that arise by the access, navigation and the use of the Website, including, but not to limiting, to the ocasionados to the computer systems or the caused by the introduction of virus.
The rural house of Tirvia neither does responsible of the damages that could ocasionarse to the users by an unsuitable use of this Website. In particular, it does not do responsible in way any of the falls, interruptions, fault or defect of the telecommunications that could occur.


inForm that the Website of The rural house of Tirvia puts or can put to disposal of the half Users of link (as, among others, links, banners, buttons), directories and search engines that allow to the Users access to websites pertenecientes and/or managed by third.
The installation of these links, directories and search engines in the Website has by object facilitate to the Users the research of and access to the available information in Internet, without that it can consider a sugerencia, recommendation or invitation for the visit of the same.
The rural house of Tirvia does not offer neither commercialises by himself neither by means of third the products and/or available services in said places linked.
Likewise, neither it will guarantee the disponibilidad technical, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of extraneous places to his property to which can access by means of the links.
The rural house of Tirvia in no case will review or will control the content of other websites, as well as tampocor approves, examines neither does own the products and services, contents, archives and any another material existent in the referred places linked.
The rural house of Tirvia does not assume any responsibility by the damages and damages that could producirse by the access, use, quality or legality of the contents, communications, opinions, products and services of the no managed websites by The rural house of Tirvia and that they are linked in this Website.
The User or third that make a hipervínculo from a web page of another, distinct, website to the Website of The rural house of Tirvia will have to know that:
It does not allow the total —reproduction or partially— of any of the Contents and/or Services of the Website without permission expresses of The rural house of Tirvia.
It does not allow neither any false demonstration, inaccurate or wrong on the Website dand The rural house of Tirvia, neither on the Contents and/or Services of the same.
To exception of the hipervínculo, the website in which it establish said hyperlink will not contain any element, of this Website, protected like copyright by the ordenamiento juridical Spanish, except permission expresses of The rural house of Tirvia.
The establishment of the hipervínculo will not involve the existence of relations between The rural house of Tirvia and the headline of the website from which make , neither the conocimention and acceptance of The rural house of Tirvia of the contents, services and/or activities offered in said website, and vice versa.


The rural house of Tirvia by himself or like part cesionaria, is to title of all the derechyou of copyright and industrial of the Website, as well as of the elements contained in the same (to title enunciativo and no exhaustive, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, marks or logos, combinations of colours, structure and gaveseño, selection of materials used, programs of necessary computer for his operation, access and use, etc.). They will be, therefore, works protected like copyright by the juridical legislation Spanish, being them applicable so much theno rmativa Spanish and community in this field, like the relative international treaties to the matter and subscribed by Spain.
All the rights reserved. In virtue of the had in the Law of Copyright, remain on purpose forbidden the reproduction, the distribution and the public communication, included his modality of put to disposal, of the whole or part of the contents of this web page, with commercial ends, in any support and by any half technician, without the autorización of The rural house of Tirvia.
The User engages to respect the intellectual property rights and industrial of The rural house of Tirvia. It will be able to visualise the elements of the Website or even print them, copy them and store them in the hard disk of his computer or in any another physical support as long as it was, exclusively, for his personal use. The User, however, will not be able to suppress, alter, or manipulate any device of protection or system of security that was installed in the Website.
In case that the User or third consider that any one of the Contents of the Website suppose a rape of the rights of protection of the copyright, will have to communicate it immediately to The rural house of Tirvia through the data of contact of the section of GENERAL INFORMATION of this Legal notice and General Conditions of Use.


The rural house of Tirvia reserves the faculty to present the civil or penal actions that consider necesarias by the undue utilisation of the Website and Contents, or by the incumplimiento of the present Conditions. The relation between the User and The rural house of Tirvia will govern by the valid rule and of application in the Spanish territory.
To arise any controversy in relation with the interpretation and/or to the application of these Conditions the parts will subject his conflicts to the ordinary jurisdiction subjecting to the judges and courts that correspond according to right.